Thursday, December 28, 2023

Taking Things to the Next Tier

The cover of the CORE20 “Playtest GM Guidelines” with art by Xavier Beaudlet. At the bottom of a forest chasm, a flight of stairs leads up to the entrance to an ancient temple. Vines and undergrowth line the chasm walls, and a pale green light shines down from above. Two huge columns flank enormous double doors in the front of the temple, each set with a forbidding statue. The double doors stand open, revealing only darkness beyond.

After last’s week’s release of the player-facing components of the CORE20 rulesetthis week sees the rest of the full CORE20 playtest go live!

(If the short URL doesn’t work for you, you can click or copy the full link here.)

On the other side of that link, you’ll find an extradimensional space on Google Drive that holds:

  • The full CORE20 Player’s Guide, featuring all the rules of the game for players and GMs.
  • The full CORE20 Magic Grimoire, collecting the many spells and magic items of the game.
  • The CORE20 Creature Playtest Package, featuring more than 180 foes, allies, and folk of the world from the eventual CORE20 Creature Compendium. The creature package comes in a regular and low-color version, and the introduction section explains why.
  • The CORE20 Playtest GM Guidelines, providing a brief overview of what a GM needs to run the game, and explaining why those guidelines aren’t the full CORE20 Campaign Guide.
  • A form-fillable character sheet.
  • A free starter adventure.
  • An About the Game doc talking about how we got here.

Carried in the wake of this tsunami of material, the CORE20 playtest is officially underway! What you’ll find in the playtest folder is everything you need to play CORE20… well, forever, really. Even without the full Creature Compendium and the Campaign Guide that’ll eventually provide guidance and advice to GMs about encounter building, campaign design, and more, the Player’s Guide and the Magic Grimoire contain all of the game. For free. Everything. Honestly, a bit more than everything (see the note in the About the Game doc for more about that).

As I mentioned in the previous CORE20 update, I’ve been working full time in RPGs for twenty years now. I’ve worked on a lot of amazing stuff over that time, alongside a lot of amazing people. But of all the things I’ve worked on, CORE20 means to the most to me. Thank you for letting me share it with you.

(Art by Xavier Beaudlet)

Narrative Shift

I mentioned in the previous CORE20 design diary that in a 5e game I’m a player in (with an amazing GM and a great group of fellow players),...